Näin joku aika sitten jossakin blogissa postauksen, jossa oli listattu kaikki päivän aikana käytetyt kosmetiikkatuotteet. Siitä on jo sen verran aikaa, etten enää muistaa missä blogissa se oli, mutta pidin sitä kivana ideana. Joten tässä on mun versio siitä viime torstailta.
A while ago I saw a blog post, where was listed all the beauty products used in a day. That was so long time ago that I can't remember which blog it was, but I tought it was a great idea. So here's my version of it from last thursday.

Meikit: Nopea aika perus meikki; meikkivoide, peitevoide, puuteri, aurinkopuuteri, ripsiväri ja kulmageeli. Tuotteita yhteensä 6.
Makeup: A quick pretty basic makeup; foundation, concealer, powder, bronzer, mascara and brow gel. Total of 6 products.

Skincare: I used micellar water in the evening to remove the makeup, clensing gel, eye cream, serum and moisturiser I used in the morning and in the evening. Total of 5 products.

Bodycare: A shower gel and two moisturisers. Total of 3 products.

Hair: In the morning just dry shampoo, in the evening I used shampoo and conditioner in the shower. After washing, spray conditioner to the wet hair and a drop of oil after blow drying. Total of 5 products.

Others: Deodorant, toothpaste, hand cream, body mist, a couple of lip balms and a hand wash that I forgot from the photo. Total of 7 products.

All in all 26 products. Not really a small amount, especially in one photo it looks like a lot. But I could have easily used more, because this is missing product that I use almost every day, like toner, hairspray and foot cream, and also there could be more makeup. But then there are days when deodorant and toothpaste are pretty much all I use. This got me thinking how much beauty products do I really own, because I gathered these from at least six different places, and only in two of those you could clearly see that something was missing...
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